This is my new Grandson Brady, who was born on 6/8/09 weighing 8 lbs 6 oz and 20" long. He is sleeping on daddy, my oldest son Roger. This is his and Amanda's first child. We are going to Florida July 8th and coming home on the 12th. We are so excited about seeing everyone..going to Florida in July..not so much. LOL
I got my quilt back today from Susan Crane at From Tops..To Quilts. What a beautiful job she did. This is the front of the quilt..
this is the back of the quilt..
I tried to get a close up of some of the items she quilted on there. All baby items..a hand, a foot, a rattle, bottle, bibs, spoons and other things I don't remember off hand. All I have to do now is to put the binding on and I'm done. :o) I am hoping to take it with me when we go down instead of mailing it. I'll have to see about what we'll have for carry-ons. I am just so happy with how this turned out.
Until next time...