Friday, March 6, 2009

The Dory Award

As I was looking for quilting blogs, I came across . I saw this award and just had to have it. It is not to be given away it is to be taken. So... if you think you deserve this award, please feel free to take it.

This quote was taken from who in turn got it from another blog:

"Because I can't remember squat, Tar created the Dory Award. (Do you remember Dory from Finding Nemo?) Unlike most awards passed around in Blogland, this one is not to be passed along TO others (after all, that wouldn't be very nice, would it?) is to be TAKEN. If you consider yourself eligible to receive the DORY AWARD, then by all means please take it and display it proudly on your blog! You know best if you deserve it! And if you do, WELCOME to the DORY CLUB! If you're not qualified to join, be thankful!"

If you have ever gone to the fridge and opened the door and forgot what you went in there for...
you deserve this award.

If you ever got up and went to a different room to get something and once you got there forgot what it was that you went there for...
you deserve this award.

If you ever went to the grocery store with a list and still forgot things on the list even though you crossed everything off as you went along...
you deserve this award.

If you let your son take your car to work at midnight and knowing full well he has to work until 8:30am but call him at 7:45am and ask him if he is working over time...
you deserve this award. (I did this this morning. We work for the same company and I start work at 8am so I know he can't leave before I get there. I am off today and was confused. lol)

I have done all of these things and some I can't remember. lol

Until next time...

1 comment:

Crispy said...

Welcome to the Dory Award club!! I think this little treasure will be making the rounds in the blogging world.
