Thursday, June 18, 2009

A pic of Brady

This is my new Grandson Brady, who was born on 6/8/09 weighing 8 lbs 6 oz and 20" long. He is sleeping on daddy, my oldest son Roger. This is his and Amanda's first child. We are going to Florida July 8th and coming home on the 12th. We are so excited about seeing everyone..going to Florida in July..not so much. LOL

I got my quilt back today from Susan Crane at From Tops..To Quilts. What a beautiful job she did. This is the front of the quilt..

this is the back of the quilt..

I tried to get a close up of some of the items she quilted on there. All baby items..a hand, a foot, a rattle, bottle, bibs, spoons and other things I don't remember off hand. All I have to do now is to put the binding on and I'm done. :o) I am hoping to take it with me when we go down instead of mailing it. I'll have to see about what we'll have for carry-ons. I am just so happy with how this turned out.

Until next time...


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gone a while

Well...All I have to hear is that a hospital is in need of baby blankets, and hats and such and I'm on it. All of my crochet and knitting goes to charities. There is such a great need out there for a lot of things. I do not consider myself a quilter, just someone who likes to dabble with easy patterns on occasion. I still visit blogs now and again and next time I do I'll be sure to say hi. I really admire what you do.

Until next time...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Square Chase quilt

I have finally started on one of the quilt patterns from Judi over at Green Fairy Quilts. This is the Square Chase pattern. So far so good, although, I have not gotten very far yet. To keep things straight I have all of the different squares and rectangles in baggies with the size in it. The directions are easy to follow. Judi said I could email her any time if I had questions but, none at this point.
That's about it for now.
Until next time...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day! Have a wonderful day and do something special for yourself. You deserve it!

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fabric for new grandson's quilt

After 2 false starts on the quilt, the one that fell apart and the 2nd one I just didn't like, I was looking through my Jan 2008 Quilter Magazine and found the perfect pattern. It would work wonderful in pink for a girl also. The name of the pattern is Baby, Baby by Michele Crawford. The top was done this weekend and I called a lady on Monday to see if she would quilt it for me. She is picking it up tomorrow. I just have to iron the backing and it will be ready for her. I will post a pic of it when it is down Florida and Amanda and Roger have a chance to open it. Her due date is June 4th. This is their 1st and everyone is so excited.
The baby shower was this past Sunday. I bought a bunch of things online from Babies-R-Us, had them gift wrap it and sent it down in time for the shower. The quilt will be just something special for him.
Hope your week is going well.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boggers Quilt Festival 2009

Park City Girl is having the First Online Quilt Festival. It runs from April 17 - 24th. I was not going to enter anything because I don't think my work compares to those that have been doing this for a long time. I then thought, if there is someone even remotely thinking about getting into quilting then, maybe mine will inspire someone.

The story behind this quilt is... One summer, in 2002, I crocheted afghans for my sons and their girlfriends. I think I made 4 or 5 that summer. By the time Christmas rolled around I didn't even want to look at another one, let alone make one. I was burnt out. I had enough. I thought, I just can't sit here doing nothing. What can I do that's different. I have always admired people that quilt. They are amazing. Never thinking I would be able to do something like that. I went to Joann Fabrics. My husband got me a sewing machine, I picked up a book called, Learning to Quilt. A beginners guide by Leisure Arts. (#1297). There are 25 lessons in the book. I went through the first couple and thought, gee, I can really do this! I came across a lesson called Card Trick. My daughter helped me pick out the fabric and off I went. There are mistakes in it trust me. For a first quilt though, I think it came out ok. I am proud of my accomplishment and it does get used. I don't think I would recommend something this big (it's fits our queen size bed) for a first quilt. Oh! I did quilt in the ditch myself on my little machine. Easy?? Not even! If I ever make one that size again, I will take to a professional to get done.
Thank you for visiting and looking at my quilt.
I will now go and enjoy looking at the many others that have been posted.
Pat mentioned the hearts. I forgot about them. lol The corners looked like it needed something so I made a template of a heart and drew a pic in the corners and hand stitched them with a needle and thread. Some of them are a little iffy but, they look like hearts.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle

I just wanted to share something my husband found while surfing the internet. This is absolutely beautiful. If you have a minute now to listen to this, you will not be sorry you did. Susan has made news not only over in England but here also.

Until next time...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and hope you all have a wonderful day with your family.

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOW! Another giveaway!

This time it's over at Pigtales & Quilts. In honor of her daughters 30th birthday, she is giving away 30 FQs. What would you do with 30 FQs? How exciting!

The deadline for signing up will be April 20th at midnight!

So, if you think you could use 30 FQs, go over and comment on her blog.

Until next time...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

That was fast!

When I got home from work yesterday, there was a manila envelope on the kitchen table. When I looked at it I knew it was the patterns I bought from Green Fairy Quilts. I am so excited to get them. I bought the Strippin Time pattern and got the Grandma's Trellis quilt pattern free. I also bought the Square Chase quilt pattern and got the Butterfly Mania quilt pattern free. I can see some Christmas gifts in the works with these patterns. The Square Chase and the Strippin Time would be great guy patterns with the right fabric. The Butterfly Mania is so cute and girly and the Grandma Trellis one is so pretty.

Thank you Judi for such wonderful patterns. I did take them to work with me today and opened the Butterfly Mania pattern. It is very easy to read and understand. Not having used patterns such as these before, I was a little hesitant but, am now glad I went ahead and got them.

Congratulations to Robin in Florida for winning the Strippin Time quilt pattern and Jelly Roll!
I had 177 comments with 1086 eligible entries due to the value of each entry. The winner was chosen through a random number system. The winner is #354 also known as comment #51.Congratulations to Robin from Florida! You have won the Jelly Roll and my new pattern "Strippin' Time." Please email me your address so I can send them to you.

Don't forget to check out the Amazing Deal of the Week!

Until next time...

Friday, April 3, 2009

New patterns to me

Yesterday I posted about the Deal of the Week over at Green Fairy Quilts. Well, I am excited to say I took advantage of it. I went ahead and ordered the Strippin Time quilt pattern and as my free pattern I ordered Grandma's Trellis Quilt Pattern. I know my chances are slim on winning the giveaway, that's why I went ahead and ordered it. The patterns seem simple enough. I certainly hope so. There were a couple of other patterns that I was looking at also that I may go back and get. Not sure yet. Just like crocheting or knitting, you can't have too many patterns. No such thing.

It's raining here in Delaware this morning so, it will be a good day to get some sewing time in.

Have a wonderful day!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Exciting Giveaway at Green Fairy Quilts!

There is a wonderful giveaway at Green Fairy Quilts. The giveaway includes jelly roll "Oh Cherry Oh" by Me & My Sister for Moda Fabrics and Judi's newest pattern Strippin' Time Quilt Pattern. This giveaway ends on Monday, 4/6, so please check out her blog and the wonderful patterns she has in her online store.
Also, check out her Amazing Deal of the Week! Buy one quilt pattern get one free!
Being new to quilting, I would love to win this giveaway to try something new.
Good luck everyone!
Until next time...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Easter is coming!

and Bunny is ready! This is such a cute pattern. I really enjoyed making this. I got the pattern from Quilters World magazine April 2007.
Have a wonderful day!
Until next time...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Devastating to say the least

Yesterday I went and got some batting because all of the pieces I had were not big enough. I thought if I could get the quilt pinned that would be a very productive weekend. I found Quilters Fusible Batting by June Taylor. I thought this would be wonderful to use and save a lot of pinning. Everything was going well until I flipped it over while I was ironing and a part of it had wrinkled. Well, anyone that has used fusible anything knows it does not come apart that easy. To dissolve fusible it says to launder in cold water or rinse. I put it in the washer in cold water and then in the dryer. This is what I pulled out this morning. I have never had this happen to me before. The only thing I can think of that I changed on the machine was the stitch length. I went from 10 spi down to 6 spi. The only reason being is that I have had to rip them out before and it's not easy. So...I will go back to the drawing board and start over again. I will change my stitch back and see if it fixes anything. If that was the case though...why didn't all the seams come apart?? Oh well...
Things work out this way for a reason. I'm so glad it happened now and not after I finished it and gave it away. That would be traumatic for me.
I hope your Monday starts out better than mine did.
Until next time...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Progress for the day

All of the strips are done and sewn together. I can't believe I got so much done this afternoon.
I really don't like how the colors came out in the pic. In the bottom pic it really looks orange and it isn't. The top pic came out better. I think it was just the lighting and the angle. I don't think I will get any more worked on it tomight. There's always tomorrow. I'm just glad I was able to get this much done.
I hope your day was a good one, no matter what you did.
Until next time...

Today is National Quilting Day

The National Quilting Association is devoting this year to the Home. They have created a free project, Welcome Home, to honour National Quilting Day.

I went to JoAnn Fabric this morning and found some wonderful fabric to make my new grandson a quilt. I know I already have fabric for that purpose but, I have found a neat pattern and hope to be working on that this afternoon. I will make the other quilt after this one but, since it's been a while, I thought I would do something easy to get into my comfort zone again. I get all the things I need to do a project and get all excited about doing it and then, it takes me so long to get started. I have no idea why. Once I get going I'm fine.

Have a wonderful day!

Until next time...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New puppy

I didn't think it had been that long since updating this blog. Time sure flies. We got a new puppy last week and she is only 11 weeks old. Her name is Roxie. Needless to say, see needs a lot of attention. The best way to describe it is, she is going through the terrible twos. lol She is a wonderful puppy and I am totally in love with her. I have her outside quite a bit playing with her with her tennis ball which she brings back very well. I went to Pet Smart today and bought more toys so that she does not get board with the same things.
I am hoping to get on track with my projects really soon. I hope your weekend is going well.
Until next time...

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Dory Award

As I was looking for quilting blogs, I came across . I saw this award and just had to have it. It is not to be given away it is to be taken. So... if you think you deserve this award, please feel free to take it.

This quote was taken from who in turn got it from another blog:

"Because I can't remember squat, Tar created the Dory Award. (Do you remember Dory from Finding Nemo?) Unlike most awards passed around in Blogland, this one is not to be passed along TO others (after all, that wouldn't be very nice, would it?) is to be TAKEN. If you consider yourself eligible to receive the DORY AWARD, then by all means please take it and display it proudly on your blog! You know best if you deserve it! And if you do, WELCOME to the DORY CLUB! If you're not qualified to join, be thankful!"

If you have ever gone to the fridge and opened the door and forgot what you went in there for...
you deserve this award.

If you ever got up and went to a different room to get something and once you got there forgot what it was that you went there for...
you deserve this award.

If you ever went to the grocery store with a list and still forgot things on the list even though you crossed everything off as you went along...
you deserve this award.

If you let your son take your car to work at midnight and knowing full well he has to work until 8:30am but call him at 7:45am and ask him if he is working over time...
you deserve this award. (I did this this morning. We work for the same company and I start work at 8am so I know he can't leave before I get there. I am off today and was confused. lol)

I have done all of these things and some I can't remember. lol

Until next time...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I was not getting email

I figured out why I was not getting the comments in my email. It was disabled. lol I also found out I can't use the same email as my other blog to get them. It said it was already taken so I had to use my verizon email. We'll see how that works out. Hopefully I fixed the problem.

This post showed up in my gmail account. Now I really don't get it! LOL As long as I get it I don't care.

I am hoping to get started on my quilting projects tomorrow. It seems as though if I don't get an early start on something, it doesn't get started. It's difficult to try and start something at night after working all day. My brain doesn't want to get organized enough. When I come home, I eat my dinner, watch the news while doing my computer thing, by 7pm, you can usually find me asleep in the chair or on the couch or wherever I happen to be sitting at the time. So, seeing as I have a 3 day weekend starting tomorrow, hopefully I can get started. If I remember correctly, the Rail Fence quilt didn't take all that long to do. I had it done in a couple of weeks but, that was not working on it full time.

Enjoy your day! The sun is shining here and is suppose to be a nice weekend. I hope so. I am so tired of being cold.

Until next time...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sewing machine cover

When I received my 1st sewing machine, it did not have a cover. So I took the dimensions of the sewing machine and came up with this cover. I did cheat a little though, I bought the fabric with the batting attached to it already. I just had to put a backing on it. Another easy project. It fits my newer machine as well and really keeps it clean when not in use.
I found the original pic and this was done in 2005.
I think that's all for updating for now. I'm really getting tired.
Until next time...

Christmas Wallhanging

I did this at the Quilter's Hive. My local quilt store. This was my first applique project and once I got the hang of it, it went well. I took 2 pics so that you could see the details. Plus it is long. lol I enjoyed doing this also. I like learning new things like this in a small class. I had brought my sewing machine and everything with me to class and found I was the only one there to work on it with the teacher. I so enjoyed the one on one. She was so nice. She had her own projects she was working on but, was right there if I had a question about anything.
The classes at the store start in January but, so far I have not seen one I would be interested in taking. When I do, you'll know.
Until next time...

Card Trick quilt

When I got burned out with crocheting, I bought Leisure Arts #1297, Learning To Quilt, A Beginner's Guide. There are 25 lessons in the book. I did not do all 25. Just a couple.
I made this in 2003 from the Card Trick lesson in the book. This is the 1st ( and only lol) queen size quilt I have made. I like how it turned out for a first quilt anyway. I have shown this quilt on my other blog but, wanted to put it here on my quilting blog. This was an easy quilt to make but, not so was the quilting part. I did it on a regular sewing machine.

Until next time...

Garden Sampler

When I received my April 2007 Quilter's World magazine, and I saw this on the cover, I just had to make it. The book shows veggies as a border where I used flowers. Anything that grows in a garden I guess.
The one thing I neglected to do was to put a tag on it with my name and date on it. I'm the only one in the family that does this type of thing but, it sure would be nice to have a date. I have seen so many time where there is no name and no date and generations later nobody knows who did it. I'm not saying this will be around that long but, one would hope so.
Until next time...

Monday, March 2, 2009

1st post...

This is the fabric that I bought to make my new grandson a crib quilt. He will be born in June sometime so, this will give me time to make it.

I took a class last year at my local quilt store. We did the Rail Fence and I think it came out ok. I certainly learned a lot in that class.

Until next time...

I'm trying something new

I wanted a place to show the quilt projects I make. My other blog is all about crocheting and knitting and the items I make for charity.
We'll see how this goes keeping things organized.

Until next time...